90 Days until the London Marathon!


90 Days until the London Marathon!

Fiona, Senior Fundraising Officer, is getting ready to cheer on JRS at the London Marathon!

27 January 2025

90 Days until the London Marathon!

I can’t believe it’s 90 days until the London Marathon 2025 starts. I equally can’t believe it’s my 4th week at JRS UK.  

I recently joined JRS UK as Senior Fundraising Officer, and in my short time here I’ve been so taken by all the projects the teams are working on to support our refugee friends. Across our Legal, Destitution, Detention, Practical Support, and Activities teams, my colleagues truly give their heart and soul to turn life around for people who are overlooked and often misunderstood by society. 

This year, 35 people are running for JRS UK in the London Marathon. Our team includes three Jesuits, people who have worked with refugees and asylum seekers, university students, and workers in the healthcare industry. Not only are they aiming to challenge themselves and fulfil lifelong ambitions to complete the London Marathon, but they are also fundraising for essential support like food, accommodation, and advice for refugee friends. 

£20 can pay for an emergency hardship grant to newly destitute refugees 

£50 can provide access to healthy fresh food for 3 refugee friends  

£100 helps JRS UK offer casework advice and support to refugees 

Also running is our dear friend Jules. After being granted refugee status last year, Jules is now running for JRS UK to fundraise for people seeking sanctuary. Jules volunteers regularly at our centre and is always a cheerful presence.

See Jules’ fundraising page here

“Now that I have my refugee status, it’s my turn to give back my body to run to collect money so JRS UK can help more people, homeless people, and asylum seekers”

Join us! 

There will be lots for supporters to do on race day on 27th April. There will be a cheer point for supporters, friends, and family to get together, cheering runners as they go by and holding up signs. There will be a post-Marathon party at the centre, giving us the opportunity to thank runners for such a great job well done and toasting a glass of prosecco or orange juice to their achievements. 

If you’d like to join us for our Marathon after-party and any pre-events we organise, please email me at Fiona.oteng@jrs.net. In the meantime, keep your eyes on our website and social media for updates from our runners – they’re a great team, and we are so grateful for all their hard work.  

We are so grateful for any donations you’re able to make to our team’s fundraising efforts. Thank you for walking with JRS UK as we accompany, serve, and advocate with and for refugee friends. 

Help JRS UK Runners Meet Their Fundraising Targets

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Jesuit Refugee Service UK
The Hurtado Jesuit Centre
2 Chandler Street, London E1W 2QT

020 7488 7310

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