On this page, you'll find resources for schools, as well as news and stories about how young people have supported JRS UK.
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These resources have been designed to meet learning points in the new RE curriculum for Catholic schools, introducing how the Catholic Church approaches refugees and migrants in its social teaching, lived experiences of people around the world and in the UK, and puts out calls to action, with suggestions for what schools can do if they’d like to get more involved.
These are new resources, and we welcome feedback and input from schools so that we can continually update and improve our materials. We will continue to add more resources to this page, including resources for confirmation classes.
Finding somewhere safe to live is one of the biggest challenges facing refugees. Destitute asylum seekers are often forced to seek rest on night buses, rely on friends who might let them ‘sofa surf’ for a night or two, or sleep on the streets.
We need your help to keep our Accommodation Project going. Can you help?
Below are a few ideas for fundraising – feel free to come up with some of your own!
Immigration detention is the holding of people in prison-like conditions, for the purpose of immigration control.
Below you can find a mixture of classroom activities, assembly resources, and lesson plans for primary and secondary schools.
You can also click here to see all JRS UK resources for schools and young people in one place.
What makes you feel welcome? – a classroom activity for primary and lower secondary students for World Day of Migrants and Refugees 2023, which you can adapt to use at any time during the school year. This presentation briefly introduces the fact that many people are forced to move, and then focusses on the idea of welcome and hospitality. The class should focus on what makes them feel welcome and recognised by others, and how they would like to offer a welcome to others.
A message to young people in schools – without recourse to public funds, many of the refugee friends JRS UK work with are not able to attend college or university. In this letter, our refuge friend shares her hope to study, a message to young people in schools, and some insight into her experiences of seeking asylum in the UK. There are some suggested questions for reflection & possible next steps.
This resource pack gives material for four lessons (which can be broken down further and covered over multiple classes) on a Catholic approach to refugees and migrants, intended to contribute to a spiral curriculum, drawing upon various learning points from the RED.
We have split up the content into four separate lessons, but teachers should adapt as appropriate for their class – some content can be covered over multiple lessons if suitable.
World Day of Migrants and Refugees 2023 assembly – a general assembly presentation introducing World Day of Migrants and Refugees 2023. It briefly introduces refugees and Pope Francis’ call for communities to offer a welcome to those seeking safety. The presentation focuses on what schools can do to raise awareness and help refugees and asylum seekers. This powerpoint can be adapted for use at any time during the school year.
Coming soon: Day of Action Pack
Here are some ideas of what you can do:
For more information, please get in contact with Victoria, Senior Communications and Engagement Officer, at victoria.firth@jrs.net.
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