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by Charles
In a place where I thought that Big Ben is the best sight to see.
In a place where I thought that Buckingham Palace is the best castle to see.
In a place where I saw green because Wimbledon tournament is on grass and green.
In a place where I thought, women are powerful, because the ruler is a Queen.
In a place where women can choose regardless of their background, as dear Princess Diana did.
But London, with hooliganism, you gave us the impression that you are not immaculate.
But London, you start your shy revolution with Protestantism.
But London, you gave us the impression that you are the best place to acquire education.
Although you, London are welcoming, life is hard in you.
Although you, London are very tolerant, racism still exists.
Although you, London are equal, competition is tough – London, you may have saved some lives but you did not save our soul.
This poem was written during a series of workshops organised for refugees at JRS-UK by English PEN and Free Word Centre.