Last year, JRS UK successfully launched Refugee Gifts, a set of 11 gift cards ranging from £5 – £100 which allowed people to purchase – on behalf of their loved ones – critical supplies and services for JRS’s refugee friends.
Beautifully illustrated with 11 unique designs commissioned by JRS UK from a talented refugee friend, the offerings range from phone credit, to baby essentials, to translation and legal advice, all critical ways that JRS UK supports refugees and asylum seekers as they navigate a complex asylum system.
Due to the pandemic and JRS’s need to adapt our operations to best serve our refugee friends, this year we are delighted to introduce two new Refugee Gifts to the collection – and two new ways you, your friends and your family can help a refugee friend this Christmas.
Gift spotlight: A trip to the JRS Shop
After a year of JRS volunteers delivering emergency food parcels to refugee friends all over London, this summer we were able to start welcoming people back to the Centre, where we opened The JRS Shop. There refugee friends can select nutritious cupboard staples and produce, full-sized toiletries, baby needs and seasonal clothes.
While some of the Shop offerings are donated by partner churches and charities, we rely on support through donations to ensure adequate and suitable supplies.
Gift spotlight: Creative Community
While the JRS Shop meets the physical needs of food, toiletries and clothes, we also make sure that souls are fed through a variety of creative activities which we are able to again offer in-person at the Centre.
Through a variety of activities such as drama, poetry writing, and creative arts – refugee friends can cultivate their artistic and creative sides, learn new skills, and experience the joy of collaboration.