Last night, the Jesuit Refugee Service were presented with the Health and Wellbeing award at The London Faith & Belief Community Awards. Presented by the Faith & Belief Forum, this award recognised the work of JRS UK to reduce social isolation and promote community through a number of activities, such as the Gospel Choir, the Bike Project and the Wallace Collection Ambassadors programme. Liliane Djoukouo, Day Centre Officer at JRS UK, who received the award on behalf of JRS UK, said “We would like to thank the Faith & Belief Forum for presenting us with this award and recognising our work. Those we accompany are some of the most marginalised individuals in our society and are often met with a deep hostility. Through our weekly Day Centre and various activities we aim to break down this isolation and help our refugee friends build resilience and community.”
The London Faith & Belief Awards brings together voluntary organisations from across London who work to create a more welcoming community and combat issues that seek to exclude and divide. The award ceremony recognised the work of organisations who sought improve interfaith relations, improve access to services and promote inclusion. William Neal, Communications Assistant at JRS UK, said ” It was wonderful to see so many organisations who are working to promote a more welcoming environment. For us at JRS, we work to ensure that our refugee friends are welcomed into a warm and friendly environment; something which they don’t always receive elsewhere. It was very affirming to see that many organisations are doing similar, excellent, work with other marginalised groups.”
Liliane finished by saying, “We would like to dedicate this award to our refugee friends. Despite the difficulties and adversities they face every day, their continued motivation and faith in a better tomorrow is a never-ending source of inspiration.”
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