Louise Zanré Funeral Arrangements


Louise Zanré Funeral Arrangements

23 February 2016

Louise Zanré Funeral Arrangements

The funeral for Louise Zanré, former Director of JRS UK, will take place Monday 29th February, 10.30am at Farm Street Church (the Church of the Immaculate Conception), 114 Mount Street, London W1K 3AH. Directions to the church can be found here or you may download this map with information about nearest underground stations, bus routes and walking directions.

JRS UK would be grateful for prayers for Louise, her sister Dina, her colleagues and all the many refugees who loved her. She will be greatly missed.

Her sister has requested no flowers, but if you wish to give in memory of Louise, you are welcome to make a donation to Jesuit Refugee Service UK: www.justgiving.com/In-memory-of-Louise-Zanre

If you are a Roman Catholic priest and wish to concelebrate rather than sit in the congregation, please bring an alb and white stole, and let JRS know in advance so that arrangements can be made at the Church for seating.

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Jesuit Refugee Service UK
The Hurtado Jesuit Centre
2 Chandler Street, London E1W 2QT

020 7488 7310

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