With all the media coverage about people coming to Europe for safety or sanctuary, please visit JRS Europe’s web pages for more policy and advocacy information about maintaining a response rooted in dignity and hospitality. There are links to JRS organisations who are serving in different countries at the borders and updates about campaign efforts and you can read up to date policy and advocacy statements from JRS Europe Director, Jean Marie Carriere SJ, and from President of the Conference of Jesuit Provincials in Europe, John Dardis SJ: www.jrseurope.org.
Our European Office brings together the voices of the refugees that we accompany and the expertise of our colleagues from across Europe, including those working in Greece and South East Europe where new arrivals need a warm welcome, care and support. For example, in Italy, JRS is continuing their work with the Centro Astalli welcoming new arrivals referred to them as they come by boat across the Mediterranean Sea from countries such as Eritrea. They are also still serving refugees who have been there a long time, but who are unable to settle. In Croatia, the JRS team is helping in the camps set up to support people who are travelling through and who need food, water, shelter. In particular, the team have provided wi-fi spots to enable people to keep in touch with family members as they go.
Many of our supporters have made a donation to be passed directly to JRS in Europe or the Middle East. Here are the ways you can make a real difference in the lives of individuals and families who have had to flee their homes.
Donate to JRS International and choose which country or area of need you would most like to support: click here.
Donate to JRS UK and help refugees who have already made the journey here: click here.
To donate via the post, please send us your cheque specifying which country you would like to donate to and we can transfer it to JRS Syria or to the JRS office in Europe most in need of fincancial help at this time: JRS UK, 2 Chandler Street, London E1W 2QT
Our colleagues at Secours Catholique in Calais have told us that for the present time, they would prefer financial donations, rather than goods as many items have already been sent. This can be transferred via Caritas Social Action Network: click here.