Thank You!


Thank You!

Your generosity during Advent means so much to the refugees that JRS accompanies.

15 January 2019

Thank You!

The response to our Advent Appeal has been incredible – you have donated nearly £15,000 to help JRS UK continue to support our refugee friends with weekly travel grants. Your contributions ensure the destitute refugees we accompany are able to access justice, to visit friends, to participate in community and live a flourishing life.  Thanks to your generous donations, their daily lives have become that little bit easier. Thank you.


Who you helped: Susan’s journey

One of our refugee friends, Susan, needs to travel to hospital for essential appointments multiple times a week. Susan has often made the long arduous journey across London by foot as she can’t afford the bus fare. The £10 travel grant may feel like a small amount of money but Susan explained “that £10, to me it felt like £100!” Thanks to your support, we can continue to help Susan with her bus fare to the hospital each week.


Its not too late to donate: donate online now


How far your £15,000 will go

£15,000 will enable our Day Centre to continue to operate  for 6 weeks! Thanks to your generosity, our refugee friends will receive a weekly travel grant to help them get around London; share a hot nutritious meal with friends; and the opportunity to participate and contribute to community.


Who you helped: Han’s story

Another of our refugee friends, Han has been supported by JRS for about a year. “The Home Office has identified me as a person with no purpose in life,” Han explains, “I have been denied housing, healthcare, legal aid and I don’t have any money to support myself.”

Han is a committed member of the JRS Gospel Choir, one of the weekly activities run alongside the Day Centre. Han explains that singing in the choir “rejuvenates the mind, the soul. It encourages me to face challenges in life.” The travel grant provided by JRS enables Han to pay for the tube travel to and from choir each week, which would otherwise be prohibitively expensive. Thanks to your incredible generosity, we can continue to help Han access choir which gives her so much joy!

Thank you for showing warmth and hospitality to our refugee friends this year.

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Jesuit Refugee Service UK
The Hurtado Jesuit Centre
2 Chandler Street, London E1W 2QT

020 7488 7310

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