Refugee Gift: Welcoming a refugee friend to JRS
This season marks the third year since JRS UK launched Refugee Gifts, a set of 11 gift cards with designs commissioned by JRS UK from a talented refugee friend. These beautifully illustrated cards range from £5 to £100, which you can purchase as a physical or virtual gift for family and friends.
Each card represents a direct service that JRS UK provides to refugee friends, such as a hardship grant, creative community activities, and essential toiletries. Together they cover three areas of our work: refugee hardship, accompanying those in detention, and legal work. This means that each purchase provides not only a warm welcome to refugees and asylum seekers in the UK, but also practical support as they navigate a complex asylum system.
For example, many of our refugee friends have welcomed new members into their family, and the JRS community, since arriving in the UK. Without an income, basic items such as nappies, baby wipes and baby food are hard to come by. Many parents rely on regular donations of nappies and other baby essentials.

Refugee Gift: Baby Essentials
These gift cards are available in both printed and digital formats, and are the perfect gifts to be shared with your loved ones this Christmas that support refugees at the same time.