Welcome a Refugee to JRS


Welcoming a refugee to our community and offering support is a gift of hospitality. 

Welcoming a new refugee friend to JRS UK requires the Legal team and accompaniment volunteers to learn about our new friends experience of the immigration system. These appointments can take up to an hour, but often require a wealth of follow-up work so that our team can ensure they receive the most appropriate immigration advice. Once a refugee friend is registered with JRS UK, they can access all of the support services we offer – food & toiletry parcels, creative activities, befriending from volunteers & fellow refugees, and advice from the Legal Project.

How it works

JRS Refugee Gifts are virtual charity gifts which will delight your loved ones and destitute refugees in the UK at the same time.

How it works

Jesuit Refugee Service UK
The Hurtado Jesuit Centre
2 Chandler Street, London E1W 2QT

020 7488 7310

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