News articles from JRS UK
Our team came together to discuss the ‘Detained and Dehumanised’ report in a new monthly series
[READ]Join us on Zoom on Wednesday 9th September and learn more about indefinite detention in the UK
[READ]Hosts and guests share experiences of JRS 'At Home' scheme
[READ]The JRS UK community attended a 3-day workshop on 'accompaniment' led by Danielle Vella
[READ]JRS UK is co-hosting a conference with Campion Hall, University of Oxford
[READ]Mary Bosworth, Director of Border Criminologies at Oxford University, visits JRS UK
[READ]JRS UK joined colleagues across Europe to discuss ways of building resilience within detention.
[READ]Last week, Naomi met colleagues in Paris to discuss the JRS hosting projects run across Europe
[READ]Nicholas Hanrahan announced as guest speaker at Birmingham Justice and Peace Assembly
[READ]JRS UK attend the NACCOM AGM to discuss ways to promote pathways out of destitution