Blog articles from JRS UK
Meet the brothers taking on the London Marathon for JRS UK this year!
[READ]Read what staff members and a Refugee friend at JRS UK are delving into this World Book Day!
[READ]Jessica, Senior Legal Caseworker, reflects on social justice and the JRS UK Legal Project.
[READ]Join us this 17th February for Random Acts of Kindness Day!
[READ]For International Education Day on 25th January, a refugee friend shares a message to students.
[READ]Bill declaring Rwanda to be a safe place for refugees seeking asylum reaches Committee Stage
[READ]Michelle, Destitution Casework Assistant, explains the relevance of accompaniment in casework
[READ]Siobhan, Accompaniment Volunteer, spoke to the YAM community about hosting
[READ]Dallya - our Refugee Activities Coordinator - met with World Medicine Acupuncture.
[READ]A new visitor to those in Detention, shares their questions and concerns with us